Thursday, December 1, 2011

Taming the Mud Bog

Every time we get a large amount of rain or have a large melt-off, our back yard becomes the mini-Nile during the peak of the event:

After such event, our back yard becomes a mud bog.  Remember, we had a freak snow storm in late October and unusually heavy rainfall in November, so our backyard is currently the muddiest bog we have had yet!

So on to the point of my story...Bella loves to run at full speed back and forth from one end of the yard to the other.  I'm sure you can imagine what she looks like when she comes in after one of these little jaunts during the "mud season."

Well Chad and I had had enough of having to wipe her from belly down every time she came in from outside.  We decided something needed to be done.  After a bit of research on the internet, we went to the local farmer's market and purchased 3 bales of straw and spread it over the muddiest areas of the backyard.

Guess really is helping!  She is coming in much less muddy, and even Abby likes it because now she can go down in the yard and not get her little princess feet muddy.  Haha!

The best part is supposedly it breaks down over the winter and the grass should be sprouting right out from underneath. :-)


  1. What a creative way to solve the mud doggies. I wonder if I can get enough straw to cover my entire back yard??

  2. I just bought three bales of straw and am trying to figure out if I should make a mud-brick path.. but from what I've been reading, it might be best to do it just like you did! I am more of a symmetrical type, so I will probably lay down the straw in squares lol. Thank You for your post :) ~Gidge
